
Electro-Energy DK



Duration: 375.87 (h)

Maximum: (hours monthly)

In ( March ) = 0 (h)

Progress 100%

Start - 2020-06-15 10:42

End - 2020-06-15 11:16

Duration - 0.6 (h)

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Start - 2020-04-27 13:34

End - 2020-05-04 09:05

Duration - 18.5 (h)

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Start - 2019-04-24 16:12

End - 2019-04-24 17:09

Duration - 1 (h)

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Start - 2019-01-30 11:46

End - 2019-01-30 12:48

Duration - 1 (h)

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Start - 2019-01-23 13:05

End - 2019-01-23 16:54

Duration - 3.8 (h)

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Start - 2018-06-26 09:43

End - 2018-06-26 13:10

Duration - 3.5 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-31 07:08

End - 2018-06-04 19:08

Duration - 36.5 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-29 16:18

End - 2018-06-19 19:22

Duration - 46.2 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-24 07:52

End - 2018-05-24 08:00

Duration - 0.1 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-23 18:31

End - 2018-05-23 18:49

Duration - 0.3 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-23 18:18

End - 2018-05-23 18:31

Duration - 0.2 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-23 18:10

End - 2018-05-23 18:18

Duration - 0.1 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-23 17:50

End - 2018-05-23 18:08

Duration - 0.3 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-23 17:18

End - 2018-05-23 17:49

Duration - 0.5 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-23 14:39

End - 2018-05-23 17:16

Duration - 2.6 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-23 14:14

End - 2018-05-24 11:09

Duration - 7.8 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-16 07:06

End - 2018-05-18 11:15

Duration - 29.9 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-07 14:54

End - 2018-05-07 19:46

Duration - 4.9 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-07 15:55

End - 2018-05-07 19:47

Duration - 3.9 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-07 12:54

End - 2018-05-07 15:52

Duration - 2 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-07 11:55

End - 2018-05-07 12:35

Duration - 0.7 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-07 08:36

End - 2018-05-07 10:21

Duration - 1.8 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-11 15:26

End - 2018-06-28 18:46

Duration - 77.3 (h)

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Start - 2018-05-07 19:48

End - 2018-05-18 19:22

Duration - 38.9 (h)

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Start - 2018-04-11 07:52

End - 2018-04-13 14:06

Duration - 24.5 (h)

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Start - 2018-04-11 14:34

End - 2018-05-29 10:04

Duration - 42.5 (h)

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Start - 2018-04-11 08:29

End - 2018-04-12 18:03

Duration - 16.7 (h)

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Start - 2018-04-06 15:11

End - 2018-04-07 08:25

Duration - 4.1 (h)

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Start - 2018-04-06 07:34

End - 2018-04-06 13:31

Duration - 6 (h)

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Task email Subject start end status hours
Login widget Login widget 2020-06-15 complete 0.6
Add new top menu item + E-trade login with two type of users ( Add new top menu item + E-trade login with two type of users ( 2020-05-04 complete 2.1
Add new top menu item + E-trade login with two type of users ( Add new top menu item + E-trade login with two type of users ( 2020-04-27 2020-04-30 complete 16.4
Google Analytics tracking code: Google Analytics tracking code: 2019-04-24 2019-04-24 complete 1
Avada theme Avada theme 2019-01-30 2019-01-30 complete 1
Updates plugins Updates 2019-01-23 2019-01-23 complete 3.8
Fwd: Hjemmeside Fwd: Hjemmeside 2018-06-26 2018-06-26 complete 3.5
Move new Electro-Energy website to Allan’s server on Thursday 31 May Move new Electro-Energy website to Allan's server on Thursday 31 May 2018-06-04 complete 24
Final customizations Feedback from today's meeting with Stig, Michael and Christian complete 31.8
Launch Electro Energy DK 2018-06-28 complete 76.1
Move new Electro-Energy website to Allan’s server on Thursday 31 May Move new Electro-Energy website to Allan's server on Thursday 31 May 2018-05-31 2018-05-31 complete 12.5
Final customizations Feedback from today's meeting with Stig, Michael and Christian 2018-05-29 2018-05-30 complete 14.4
change so text is not ALL CAP change so text is not ALL CAP 2018-05-24 2018-05-24 complete 0.1
Uddannelse page Uddannelse page 2018-05-23 2018-05-23 complete 0.3
too light grey too light grey 2018-05-23 2018-05-23 complete 0.2
3 bullet points, instead of 4 3 bullet points, instead of 4 2018-05-23 2018-05-23 complete 0.1
Remove 8 boxes + remove some text. Remove 8 boxes + remove some text. 2018-05-23 2018-05-23 complete 0.3
change order of dropdown menu items for “Produkter” change order of dropdown menu items for "Produkter" 2018-05-23 2018-05-23 complete 0.5
Correct text fields in Beregner Correct text fields in Beregner 2018-05-23 2018-05-23 complete 2.6
Decrease bottom footer + change text + smaller icons For 8 sites: decrease bottom footer + change text + smaller icons 2018-05-23 2018-05-24 complete 7.8
Restricting the page “E-trade” to logged in users only 02 Kunde login 2018-05-16 2018-05-18 complete 29.9
Package of customizations for 5 sites – Ee Tech emails - Subjects in the Task Description 2018-05-07 2018-05-07 complete 4.9
Make footer text alligned footer text alligned 2018-05-07 2018-05-07 complete 3.9
Decrease white space in top of 4 websites Too much white space in top of 4 websites 2018-05-07 2018-05-07 complete 2
Change “Læs mere” to “Learn more” in English version "Læs mere" / "Learn more" 2018-05-07 2018-05-07 complete 0.7
Customizations emails - Subjects in the Task Description 2018-05-07 2018-05-07 complete 1.8
Launch Electro Energy DK 2018-05-11 2018-05-11 complete 1.2
Testing – debugging 2018-05-07 complete 38.9
Customizing styles and design details of an interface complete 37.6
Regeneration content from old site on new site 2018-04-11 2018-04-13 complete 24.5
Customizing styles and design details of an interface 2018-04-11 2018-04-18 complete 4.9
Converting site data from Joomla to WordPress 2018-04-11 2018-04-12 complete 16.7
Creating of the Development WordPress temporary platform 2018-04-06 2018-04-07 complete 4.1
BackUp old version of the site 2018-04-06 2018-04-06 complete 6

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