PDF Settings

The “PDF Settings” contains the fields for all required settings for the process of generating PDF documents.

The field “Footer Template” is the dropdown list where you should select prepared the page with the Footer section. This list of pages contains the page names. If the Footer was created on the page named “PDF Footer” then you should select this name in the dropdown list and submit the form by clicking on the button “UPDATE” bottom of the page.

In the field “List of Models” you enter the list of all models including “S” and “C” variants.
Each model should be entered in a new line without any additional signs (NO commas or dots, etc.)

After the list of models will become submitted, then this form will be increased by new fields for each entered model.

Each added field group will contain three new fields:

  • PDF Template
  • List of “Varenummer”s
  • ECO label

The last two (“List of “Varenummer”s” and “ECO label”) are hidden and will be opened by clicking the button “Open”


Bottom of the form is the last field – “Brochure PDF file link”. There should be entered the link to the uploaded “Brochure PDF” file. This Brochure PDF will be added to each Email that will be sent to the Customer.

Please remember to click on the button “UPDATE” when data will be changed on the fields on this form. These changes will be applied immediately and new settings will be applied to next generated PDFs.